
International conference on urban spaces in Tallinn, Estonia will ask residents, local decision makers, architects and other urban space specialists and clients in what kind of city they would like to live in and what would they do to make that city real.

The conference describes today’s cities in the Nordic countries and Estonia, including their good sides and those that need a little tweaking, and discuss how these urban environments came about. The aim of the conference is to look at the future and try to stay one step ahead of it.

Sharing their thoughts, ideas and inspiration will be:

• Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of the Republic of Estonia
• Jacob van Rijs, Co-founder / Director MVRDV & President BNA International (Royal Institute of Dutch Architects, The Netherlands)
• Andres Sevtšuk, Urban Researcher and Architect (Estonia)
• Patrick Quist, Landscape Architect, Quist AB (Sweden)
• Marco Steinberg, Director of Strategic Design, Sitra (Finland)

Please register by 10 May at the latest.

Kotisivu: http://nordiclook.ee/en/programme/conference

Konferenssi ja seminaari
Kehittäjät, päättäjät ja rahoittajat
Kansainvälinen yleisö
Kumu art museum
Tallinn Estonia