Maanantai 7.12.2009 13:02

“Europe should better exploit the potential of culture to beef up creativity and innovation.”

The Impact of Culture on Creativity study prepared for the European Commission suggests strategies to be developed at all levels of governance.

The report of the study develops the concept of culture-based creativity, stemming from art and cultural productions or activities which nurture innovation, and going beyond artistic achievements or “creative content” feeding broadband networks, computers and consumer electronic equipments.

Amongst other things these things are emphasized:

• Digital technologies provide new forms of social exchanges and contribute significantly to new expressions of creativity.

• Businesses must ensure that what they are selling offers a rich and compelling experience enabling differentiation from competing brands or products. These developments lead to the creation of the “experience economy”.

• Culture-based creativity is a fundamental means for industry and policy decision makers to adopt and implement more user-centred strategies – less about “making things” and more about providing a service. Policies on innovation need to be developed so as to recognise the cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary aspect of “creativity.

• Culture-based creativity plays a key role in generating social innovation. Art and culture can benefit public service delivery and innovation in a variety of ways.

• In education and learning the focus should be set to fostering “flexibility, openness for the new, the ability to adapt or to see new ways of doings things and the courage to face the unexpected, taking risks without fearing failure”. Inter-disciplinary learning across educational fields is encouraged as well. Scandinavian examples provided include the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurhsip and Aalto University in Finland.

The study proposes a number of concrete measures to implement five actions:

- Raise awareness on culture as an important resource of creativity.
- Mainstream culture-based creativity in policies to foster innovation.
- Re-direct existing financial resources or create new programmes to stimulate creativity
- Brand Europe as the place to create
- Question and tailor the regulatory and institutional frameworks to support creative and cultural collaboration.

In relation to the EU, programmes and funds should aim to support:

- Creative entrepreneurs, enterprises and research centres that draw on culture-based creative inputs.
- Social innovation through culture.
- Territories using culture as a tool for development.
- Cultural co-operation across different territories.

The study can be found on the website of the European Commission.





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